
Monday, October 24, 2011

Vélez superó a Estudiantes y se mantiene en la pelea del torneo

Vélez superó a Estudiantes y se mantiene en la pelea del torneo Con gol de David Ramírez, el Fortín triunfó ante el pincha en Liniers y sumó su cuarto triunfo consecutivo en el Apertura. Vélez Sarsfield derrota por 1 a 0 como local a Estudiantes de La Plata y suma su cuarto triunfo consecutivo en el Torneo Apertura ... Vélez superó a Estudiantes y se mantiene en la pelea del torneo

32 Hong Kong shares poised to catch the last train ride in the fourth quarter

32 Hong Kong shares poised to catch the last train ride in the fourth quarter Hong Kong stocks rose for three days seems to stabilize signs, so one hopes to see the public shares. HKEx Chairman Ronald, said yesterday that there are currently 32 companies listed on the HKEx Board has received approval, waiting for the time listed in Hong Kong and another 106 companies listed applications are being processed. ...32 Hong Kong shares poised to catch the last train ride in the fourth quarter

«الربيع العربي» يتسبب بالقمع في دول أخرى

«الربيع العربي» يتسبب بالقمع في دول أخرى نيويورك ـــ أ.ف.ب ـــ جاء في تقرير للمدافعين عن حقوق الانسان ان «الربيع العربي» كان مصدر وحي للمتظاهرين في العالم، لكنه حمل بعض الانظمة على تبني اجراءات قمعية. وأوضح تقرير المرصد، وهو برنامج مشترك للاتحاد الدولي لحقوق الانسان والمنظمة العالمية ضد ... «الربيع العربي» يتسبب بالقمع في دول أخرى

NBA将取消更多比赛 美国媒体悲观认为有无限推迟可能

NBA将取消更多比赛 美国媒体悲观认为有无限推迟可能 NBA停摆,詹姆斯(左)、安东尼等球星组织慈善赛自娱自乐。图/人民图片 本报讯 继常规赛前两周被取消后,NBA将迎来又一条悲剧性消息。据美国媒体昨天报道,联盟很快就会宣布再取消至少两周比赛,有媒体悲观地认为甚至可能 ... NBA将取消更多比赛 美国媒体悲观认为有无限推迟可能

Earthquake in Turkey killed 432 persons increases

Earthquake in Turkey killed 432 persons increases 7.2 scale earthquake that hit south-eastern Turkey, killing 25 (CNN) - currently 432 people has increased, said that the Turkish Minister's Office. 1,352 people were injured, aggregation. Earlier in the day, Minister's Office Emergency Planning Division Prior to the Kurdish population who live half a week (州) earthquake struck ...Earthquake in Turkey killed 432 persons increases

Leading Off: Calling All Geniuses

Leading Off: Calling All Geniuses By LYNN ZINSER Eric Gay/Associated PressCatcher Yadier Molina and Manager Tony La Russa waiting for Cardinals reliever Jason Motte to arrive from the bullpen in the eighth inning of Game 5 of the World Series on Monday night. If nothing else, Game 5 of ... Leading Off: Calling All Geniuses

Kenia investiga los dos ataques que sufrió Nairobi en menos de 24 horas

Kenia investiga los dos ataques que sufrió Nairobi en menos de 24 horas Nairobi, 25 oct (EFE).- Las autoridades kenianas investigan los dos ataques con granadas que se produjeron ayer en Nairobi, en menos de 24 horas, en los que al menos una persona murió y otras 32 resultaron heridas, informaron hoy los medios locales. ... Kenia investiga los dos ataques que sufrió Nairobi en menos de 24 horas

"Next year will see", "soil and trees play" desperate farmers

"Next year will see", "soil and trees play" desperate farmers "Next year to be able to decontamination (radioactive cesium has been detected) the same. Nowhere in sight." Brand products Kagoshima Prefecture asked to refrain from processing "ぽ persimmon sauce" over the damages, 24 North County farmers in the region, attended the talks with TEPCO. About 100 people accused of filling a venue for farmers Date City, more than compensate."Next year will see", "soil and trees play" desperate farmers


增创优势,汕头再跨新征程(组图) 本报讯 记者苏硕元摄影报道:在全市欢庆特区建立三十周年之际,汕头教育事业又传来喜讯:汕头市潮阳实验学校继去年成为粤东地区唯一一所获得北大"中学校长实名推荐制"资格的学校后,今年又成为粤东地区唯一一所获得 ... 增创优势,汕头再跨新征程(组图)

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